Ambient color adjustment
Go to Scene Settings
Press the Color Picker icon under the Ambient Color indicator bar.
ShotPro comes with over 400 props. Over 2,000 in total (including Expansion Packs). Here is a sample:
3D Objects​
Please follow the following guidelines when importing custom 3D objects:
The object must be in .obj format. Other formats are not supported.
The polygon count must be 50,000 or less per object.
You can import .mtl files for materials and .png & .jpg files for images.
If you are using an image file for the object, you must have an .mtl file also.
Animations are not currently supported.
On desktop versions of ShotPro use the IMPORT button.
On mobile devices follow these instructions:
Place the .obj, .mtl, and .png files into a folder called custom_obj. This folder is found inside the ShotPro Project folder, it will have .shotpro as the suffix. When you reopen the project and your custom object will be accessible in ShotPro.
If your object does not import you can open it in Blender first. Then export it out from Blender in .obj format. Also set the export settings in Blender to
Vertex Order to ON,
Triangulate Faces to ON,
Path Mode to Strip Path.
If your specular color is set to white your texture may not be visible. If you are not using specular it should be set to black.
In iOS you will have to use iTunes to import the custom objects.
The standard version of ShotPro comes with over six hundred 3D objects built-in. These include furniture, vehicles, people, animals, nature, outdoor structures and much more. You can add and arrange these to create just about any situation in your scenes. The objects are positionable and scaleable, some are colorable, and have custom features like car doors opening.
An additional 1500 plus objects are available in Expansion Packs.
You can also import your own 3D Objects in the .obj format.
The Props section is where you can browse and add props into your project. Click on one of the props to add it into your scene.
Note: On Desktop platforms you can drag and drop props into the scene for accurate placement.
All: View all of the built-in categories containing hundreds of props.
Favorites: View all of your Favorite props.
My Imports: View all of the objects you have imported.
Packs: View all of the Expansion Packs.
Search: Type in a keyword to quickly find the object of interest.