Ambient color adjustment
Go to Scene Settings
Press the Color Picker icon under the Ambient Color indicator bar.
Fog, Lighting & Lens Flares
There are four ways to control the lighting in ShotPro.
Ambient color adjustment.
Point Lights
Spot Lights
Fog Expansion Pack
Add volumetric fog with smoke. Customize color, size, direction and more.
Currently not available on mobile.

Fog Info
Usage: Go to Scene Settings. Click on Fog.
Description: Advanced fog and smoke rendering. Provides true to life volumetric lighting. Perfect for adding a touch of realness to your projects.
Description (short): Advanced fog and smoke rendering.
Supported Platforms: Mac & PC
Fog Documentation
Fog is saved per-scene and effects all cameras.
Enabled: Use this to turn fog on/off.
Volumetric Density: Density of fog.
Scattering: Scatters the fog.
Fog Height Enabled: Turn on to make fog only effect lower portion of scene.
Fog Height: How high the fog should go.
Fog Transition Size: How quickly the fog should fade away.
Particles: Turn on smoke particles.
Size: Individual particle size.
X, Y, Z Velocity: Used to simulate wind.
Particle Density: Density of the particles.
Particle Density Strength: Use this to turn fog on/off.
Position: Position of the particle system.
Lens Flare Expansion Pack
Each light source has a lens flare toggle option.
You can choose from 19 beautiful lens flares.
Each flare is adjustable in color and brightness by using the light's color picker.

Ambient color adjustment
Go to Scene Settings
Press the Color Picker icon under the Ambient Color indicator bar.

Spot Light
Press the Add Object button
Then press the Camera Lights button
Then the Spot Light button

Go to Scene Settings. Under the Sun indicator bar you will see the controls for Sun toggle ON/OFF. You can drag the Sun icon or use the numeric inputs to control the sun's Height and Rotation. Below that are Shadow Strength and Distance controls.

Point Light
Press the Add Object button
Then press the Camera Lights button
Then the Light button

Lighting Control
Controls the overall brightness and color in the scene.
It has no specific source if light but effects all objects equally. Does not generate shadows.
If it is set to black, objects in the scene will appear black unless they are lit by other light sources.
Does not effect Sky or Panorama.
Behaves like a single point source of light. Range, and color can be adjusted.
Generates shadows.
If HQ is on in Settings, point lights will have a more realistic appearance.
Behaves like a single point source of light. Range, color and spot size can be adjusted.
Generates shadows.
If HQ is on in Settings, spot lights will have a more realistic appearance.
Behaves like a directional source of light. Height in the sky and rotation can be adjusted.
Generates shadows if HQ is on in the Settings menu.
Point light
Spot light

Soft Lighting
Soft Lighting is a powerful technique used to create super soft shadows. Soft Light is an Object that can be found in the Camera & Lights category within the Props menu.
Note: You must have High Quality enabled in the Settings in order to view the shadows.
Note: Setting Shadow Quality to Max may significantly slow down your computer. It is recommended to use a lower quality while you work, and raise the quality only during Export.
Here is an example showing Designer Characters being lit by 2 Soft Lights.

Soft Light controls.

Soft Light shining on a prop creating a beautiful soft shadow.