Ambient color adjustment
Go to Scene Settings
Press the Color Picker icon under the Ambient Color indicator bar.
License Management
The License Management screen is the first menu that appears after opening ShotPro. You will receive your License Key via e-mail after your purchase is complete. Once you have received your License Key, you can then copy & paste it into ShotPro.
Important: You must have a valid internet connection when submitting your license key.
Note: This screen does not appear in the iOS & Mac App Store versions, or any version purchased from an App Store.
Note: You can access this screen at anytime by clicking on the License Button in the Project Browser.
Enter License Key: This is the text field where you can type in or paste your license key.
Activate Trial Mode: Trial mode allows you too give ShotPro (and all Expansion Packs) a spin before making a purchase. It is time limited (30 mins), and saving is disabled. To deactivate Trial Mode, you need to press License -> Enter New License Key. The License Button is found in the upper-right hand corner of Project Browser.
Buy a License: Takes you to a webpage where you can purchase a license key.