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Timeline Tracks

    The Timeline can be expanded to show more tracks. You can activate additional tracks by clicking on the Tracks button in the bottom-right hand corner of the Timeline. This will bring up a menu allowing you to enable the Animation, Audio, Camera Cut, Face Capture, Print Marker, and Text Marker tracks.

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This image shows a fully expanded Timeline.

You can enable and disable tracks in this menu.

Animation Track

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    This track controls Keyframes. A Keyframe is basically a snapshot of an object’s state (all of its properties). To create a keyframe, select an object and then press the Add Keyframe button. Drag the Timeline  Cursor over a Keyframe to highlight it. Once a Keyframe is highlighted, you can then modify the objects properties and they will be automatically written back to that specific Keyframe. To modify a Keyframe’s position, click on a Keyframe and drag horizontally. Click once on a Keyframe to view additional options as shown in the image to the right. Hold shift and click on Keyframes to multi-select or de-select, this is the default on Mobile.

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Curve Slider: This adjusts the sharpness of an object’s path. This is only in effect when you have multiple keyframes.


Duplicate: Create a copy of the keyframe.


Delete: Delete the keyframe.


Tip: Keyframes are ideal for creating camera moves.


In the Object’s Advanced Settings you can turn off Keyframe Easing. This causes the movement to be linear for the object. The Advanced Settings Button is found in the Inspector.

Camera Cut Track

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    The Camera Cut Track is where you control at which point the Live Camera switches in a Scene. You can create a Camera Cut by clicking the Cut button in the Camera’s Inspector or double clicking anywhere in the Camera Cut Track while a Camera is selected. Each Camera Cut contains an identifier on it which indicates which Camera it is associated with. The position of a Camera Cut can be adjusted by clicking and dragging it horizontally. You can delete a Camera Cut by clicking on it and pressing the Delete Button.

Face Capture Track

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    The Face Capture Track is used to animate the facial expressions of Designer Characters. A Face Marker is a capture taken on an iOS device with the Face MoCap Expansion Pack. You can create a Face Marker by selecting a Designer Character and clicking the Add Face Marker Button in the Timeline Cursor Menu or double-clicking anywhere in the Face Capture Track.


Tip: ShotPro comes with a handful of built-in Face Captures for free available on all platforms.

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This image shows the Face Marker Menu, accessed by clicking on a Face Marker.

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This shows a list of all face captures imported in the Project.

Import the default MoCaps into the Project (Smile, Frown, Yes, No, etc…).

Permanently delete the MoCap data from the Project.

Useful if the capture was not intended to have audio, such as head nodding.

This will rename the MoCap data file.

Print Marker Track

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    This track is where you customize the layout for Prints. You can add Print Markers by either double-clicking in the Print Marker Track or clicking the Add Print Marker button in the Timeline Cursor Menu. You can enter notes per-marker by clicking on a marker. You can see exactly what the generated image will look like by clicking and holding on a Print Marker.


Note: Make sure you have Make Prints From set to Print Markers in the Print Menu before generating the images, otherwise the Print Markers will be ignored.


Note: The image above will cause 6 thumbnails to get generated in the Print export.


Note: This feature is an Expansion Pack and requires a purchase.


Please refer to the Print section for more details.

Text Marker Track

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    This track allows you to modify the Text On Screen in the middle of a Scene. When the Timeline Cursor passes a Text Marker, then that Marker becomes active and displayed on the Viewfinder. Click on a Text Marker to modify its text.


Note: This feature is an Expansion Pack and requires a purchase.

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