Ambient color adjustment
Go to Scene Settings
Press the Color Picker icon under the Ambient Color indicator bar.
Anaglyph: Stereoscopic Rendering technique that requires red/blue glasses.
Aperture: The opening which allows light into a Camera. Feature of Pro Cam.
AR: Abbreviation for Augmented Reality.
AR Inspector: Menu that appears in AR Mode which contains controls specifically useful for Augmented Reality.
AR Mode: Activated by pressing the AR button in the Stage Toolbar.
Aspect Ratio: The width to height ratio of the Viewfinder. Common values include 4:3 and 16:9.
Audio Track: A Timeline Track that contains controls for accurate placement of audio clips.
Augmented Reality: Allows you to place and view your scene in the world around you.
Camera Cut: A point in time in which the final output changes to a different camera.
Camera Identifier: A letter automatically assigned to each Camera used to identify and distinguish cameras from each other.
Character Designer: Powerful system that allows you to modify your characters outfit, size, and shape.
Color Picker: Menu used to select a color for various purposes.
Designer Character: Character created with Character Designer.
Desktop: Windows and Mac computers.
Dropbox: A service that ShotPro relies on for keeping projects synchronized between devices.
Expansion Pack: Feature or prop pack that must be purchased before it can be used.
Export: Converts a project into a format so that it can easily be shared and viewed by others. ShotPro supports exporting to a video file, GIF, and Storyboard images.
Face MoCap: Captures facial expressions for use on Designer Characters. Requires the TrueDepth Camera.
Favorite: Custom prop that can be accessed from the Favorites list.
Folder: Used to organize the Object List as well as group objects together. It is often used to group similar objects together such as trees, actors, and cameras.
GIF: An image sequence commonly found on the web. ShotPro can export to this format.
IAP: Abbreviation for In-App Purchase.
In-App Purchase: A purchase made within an app.
Inspector: Contains controls and properties for modifying an Object.
Inspector Wheel: Use this to modify an Inspector Property value. Especially useful on Mobile.
JPG: Compressed image format which is supported by ShotPro.
Keyframe: A virtual snapshot of an objects properties, used in the Animation Track.
License Key: A unique code used to activate ShotPro on your computer. Only needed for the Standalone version.
Live Camera: Camera whose output is being displayed in the Viewfinder. There can only be one Live Camera at a time.
Material: Describes the way a 3D object is rendered. This includes its color, texture, and shine. One object can contain multiple materials.
Mobile: Android and iOS devices including iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
MoCap: Captures whole body movements for use in software.
Multi-Display: Output the Viewfinder onto a 2nd display.
Music Bed: A song that plays in the background.
OBJ: .obj is a simple file format which describes a 3D model and is supported by ShotPro.
Object: An object can be anything, often resembling a real-world object such as a camera, light, actor, table, etc…
Object Controller: Used to manipulate an object in the 3D View. Becomes active when selecting an object.
Object List: Lists all Objects in the currently open Scene.
Platform: Another term for Operating System. ShotPro runs on four platforms and they are iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows.
PNG: Uncompressed image format which contains transparency information and is supported by ShotPro.
Pre-visualization: Planning phase of a movie production. A process that filmmakers go through before actually shooting with real cameras and actors.
Preview: Used to watch your project from start to finish without needing to wait for an Export.
Pro am: Simulate real-world lenses including Aperture, Focal Length, and Film Format.
Project: Sequence of Scenes.
Prop: Another word for Object.
Prop Request: Requests submitted by users to the ShotPro Team of objects they wish to see added to the app.
Prop Shop: The new way to explore and download props into your project. It is a growing library and currently contains hundreds of objects.
Restore Purchases: Necessary when purchases that have been made are appearing as un-purchased. This may happen when installing ShotPro on a new device.
Scene: A group of objects meant to convey a concept or idea.
Set Designer: Top-down mode where you can design rooms and houses in 2D. Contains options for doors, walls, and windows.
Soft Light: Lighting technique used to create very soft shadows in ShotPro.
Stage: The main work environment where all of the essential tools are found.
Standalone: A copy of ShotPro purchased direct from us, outside of an App Store.
Stereoscopic Rendering: Makes computer images viewable in 3D, appearing to come off of the screen. Often special glasses are required.
Storyboard: Sequence of drawings used to describe how a movie will be shot.
Text & Paint: This feature allows you to markup your scene directly on the Viewfinder.
Timeline: Located at the bottom of the Stage where all of the time-based controls are.
Timeline Track: The Timeline contains numerous tracks that serve different purposes. Examples include Animation, Audio, and Camera Cut.
Tooltip: Helpful descriptions accessed by hovering the cursor over a button and waiting a bit OR pressing and holding a button on Mobile.
Tracking Quality Indicator: Used in Augmented Reality mode to indicate the current tracking quality, viewable in the upper-right corner. Green is good, yellow is ok, and red is poor.
TrueDepth Camera: Camera that is built into the latest iPhones and iPads, created by Apple. Requirement for the Face MoCap feature.
Unknown Sources: This feature is part of Android OS that allows installation of apps outside of Google Play. This must be turned on prior to the ShotPro installation.
Viewfinder: Look here to see exactly what your final animation will look like. Located in the top-right corner of the Stage.
Virtual Reality: Viewing computer content in a more true to life way and requires a headset.
VR: Abbreviation for Virtual Reality.
WAV: Audio file format that ShotPro can import.
3D View: The 3D part of the Stage where you view and edit objects.
3-DOF: Abbreviation for 3 degrees of freedom (rotation).
6-DOF: Abbreviation for 6 degrees of freedom (position + rotation).